Sunday, October 4, 2009

Smoking When Pregnant Effected Fetus Brain


Women who smoking when pregnant have risk make their children get mental disorders syndrome likes delusion and hallucination. A survey in England showed pregnant smoking women around 20 percent easier get the problem. That problem will increase till 84 percent if their smoked till 20 cigarettes or more in one day. Research done by Cardiff University, Nottingham University, Bristol University, and Warwick University is part of long term study of Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children that researched how become genetic and environment influenced and effected to healthy. One part of that long term survey done to 12 years old children group observation who their mother smoking when pregnant. The children observation to know how far their get hallucination and when that happened. Furthermore, team also observation possibility of alcohol or marijuana consumption by their mother. Leader of researcher team, Stanley Zammit, said that tobacco exposed can effect to fetus brain growth. Study result at least make government to strengthen smoking banned at pregnancy period but many women ignored that proven in England. About 15 of pregnant women observation can’t stop their bad habit that is smoking.

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